This site is the work of Frank van Oostendorp and is the home of all my walks and whatever comes to mind about Hiking or my gear. I started out backpacking and taking walks or hikes at a young age and it is where I get all my energy from.
I have always wanted to make a website of my own about hiking and backpacking. In 2019 I finally had the extra time and motivation to make that first step.

Recently I was struggling with my purpose in life like we all have sometimes. That is why I chose HikeforPurpose.com as my domain name. Hiking is the Purpose in life and the way to find my Purpose. If that makes any sense.
Some of the walks and hikes that I did include the following:
The West Highland Way in Scotland from Glasgow to Fort William, May 2023.

The Camino Frances from Saint Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago in Spain September/October 2021, Pilgrim Passport below:

The Coastal Camino from Porto, Portugal to Santiago in Spain. April/May 2019. Pilgrim Passport is below:

Camino Finisterre from Santiago to Finisterre. Straight after the Coastal. May 2019.
Roman Limes Path in The Netherlands – July 2018
Hadrian’s Wall Path, From Newcastle to Bowness-on-Solway. June 2018
Section hiked Big Bald Mountain – Appalachian Trail – May 2018
Traveled around in Scotland and Sweden. These were more of the bushcrafting trips. Canoeing in Sweden is definitely a must if you are into the outdoors!
In the Netherlands, I walk a bunch of the Klompenpaden, or clog trails. Sometimes with family, sometimes solo.
In Germany, I recently did a fun little trail called the Fünf Seidla Steig, if you like beer then this is a nice little mini hike of 9.2 or 20 km that will probably take all day. The purpose of the hike is to drink 5 half liters of beers from different breweries. While eating heavy meals. Great fun with friends. If you do a bit of searching you can find fun hikes to do all over the place. Not just the long-distance trails.

And what else? I worked for an outdoor retail company for 6 years, jumped ship to IT at a webhosting company for 4 years, and then started taking longer hikes like the Camino. Time for myself and just figuring stuff out that’s pretty much what I am doing now. I’ll let you know when I find my Purpose.
A note on Discussion in the comments
Discussion on this website is encouraged, however, keep it civil against everybody. There is enough bad stuff out there and here is not the place. Every comment is moderated before placing online.
I try to do this as soon as I get the notification but can take a little longer. So try to take that into account. For any questions, you want to ask me you can do so via email, or in the comments!
Hope you enjoy the site and if you have any questions you can send them to: