Trail Meal | Dutch instant StampPot
A staple in the Dutch cuisine is the Stamppot. Mashed potatoes with some kind of vegetable and meat. Delicious and very filling for hiking! You can make many different variations off this meal while out hiking. Lets go over them and read up some tips from a Dutch guy whose diet mostly exists off potatoes and bread. All over the western world you can find the instant types of mashed potatoes. In America you have the brand Idaho potatoes who does them, and in Europe you have Maggi. These kinds off instant mashed potatoes have the only need to add hot water to make them ready for eating. In nearly…
Repacking your backpack while on hiking trips
Getting your backpack and gear straightened out is one thing, but being consistent in repacking it and your gear everyday can be a challenge. Here is how I always repack my backpack while on multi day hiking trips. Once you have your entire gear list straightened out and squared away after a couple of outings it is important that you remain consistent in repacking it everyday. When you do not do this and stuff everything in your backpack the following day you will have a tougher time setting up camp, reaching gear you need when you need it and you will be slower than everyone else getting up and going…
Cooking and eating utensils for hiking
Trail meals and eating out on trail is a subject of many hiker discussions, eating is a necassary part of bouncing back and be able to hike the following day. It restores your energy and gives you a full belly to sleep on. In this post I will go over the different cooking utensils and cleaning up after yourself on trail. Basic cooking kit layout Your basic cooking kit consists of the following items. A cook pot where you boil your water and food in, a burner or stove to do the heating up with and a utensil to shove it in your mouth with. Other items to have next…
Sleeping bag liners – Are they worth it?
Sleeping bag liners are a must have in your backpack when hiking with a tent, hammock or tarp. And even for the hostel travelers that travel the world a Sleeping bag liner is a good thing to take with you. Lets dive in to the reasons why you should add a sleeping bag liner to your gear list for camping, hiking and backpacking! Easy to carry Weight is minimal when choosing the right sleeping bag liner. As is the pack size. Combined with a down sleeping bag and a proper sleeping pad you only should need the bottom compartment of your backpack. These three combinations can keep you warm and…
How much should your backpack weigh for hiking
Deciding what to take with you hiking is a question everybody has. In this article we decide for what base weight you need to strive towards. The base weight of your backpack while hiking is important to keep as low as possible. Because you have a bunch of stuff to carry extra. Base weight of a backpack does not contain the following items: Drinking water Stove fuel Food The more you take on your back the more difficult its going to be to go long distance hiking. Generally speaking you should take only 10% of your body-weight on your back to avoid most problems out hiking. If you are a…
Trail Meal | Veg and Sausage Noodle Soup
Trail meals are easy meals you can prepare and cook within a quarter of an hour. These are excellent to take with you hiking. This article will explain the basics of a go to recipe of mine, feel free to add in any ingredients you like. For the basis of this recipe you will need to stock and prepare the following ingredients. Noodles, take your favorite kind. Dried Cauliflower Dried onions Dried peas Smoked sausage of any kind Your favorite spices or the spice packet in the noodles. The cooking gear you need for this recipe out an the trail are as follows: Mess kit – I carry my Esbit…
Trail meals for hiking and backpacking
Food is something you can enjoy at anytime, in the modern world you can have the option for Italian for dinner and African for lunch. When out backpacking and hiking choices are a little more limited. But there are some great innovative meals out on trail. In this article Ill share some of my favorite quick and easy meals to make out on trial. Some homemade and some you can scrounge together in supermarkets. MRE’s and ready made freeze dried meals are a good option but I am not going to cover in this article. Ideal time a hiking meal should take When your hiking all day and set up…
The History of Hiking boots
Hiking and walking is a big part of Human history, the footwear and boots that we wore on our feet have changed considerably over the centuries. In this article I cover our history of Hiking and walking footwear in an overview. Earliest known footwear Otzi the iceman are the remains of a human being that has been found in the Austrian / Italian Alps. Dating back to 5300 years ago he has been an invaluable resource and a look in to the life as it was back then. What is special about his find is that all his gear is with him and preserved in the ice. From his flint…
How to protect from the sun while hiking
The sun can be a dangerous enemy while hiking, your outdoors all day so walking around with no protection on will leave you badly sunburned. Here is how to protect yourself! Wear a long sleeved shirt The button up shirts that Colombia and other brands have like Royal Robins are great to wear while hiking. With their built in sun protection and long sleeves you can still look fashionable or go out to dinner while wearing your hiking shirt. When you don’t put an undershirt on the shirts also ventilate like no other shirt. A great benefit for the hotter days. The hiking that I do is usually in my…
Charging your phone while hiking
In this day and age, your phone goes with you everywhere. Looking up maps, taking photos or video’s and listening to music. Keeping them charged is the challenge. But is it still a challenge? Not really. With the latest technology that keeps getting better and better. You do not really have to worry about it so much. And the battery life of your mobile phone will surprise you when hiking. Not constantly checking email or watching the latest news will really save your battery. Lets go over the ways to charge your electronics and phone while on trail. Conserving battery power This is of course not a solution to the…