• The north face horizon hat cover
    Gear reviews

    The story of my The North Face Horizon cap

    A hat or cap is a necessity in my opinion while hiking. It keeps the sun of your head and out of your eyes. It covers your bad hair while hiking so you can look semi decent, and its something I can get attached to more than any other piece of clothing. This blog post is a love story at first sight and I know its a silly topic, but I will give you the reasons why I love this cap so much. So bear with me. My The North Face Horizon hat I got when I first started working in a popular outdoor store in the Netherlands. I was…

  • Opinel no 9 knife on stone
    Gear reviews

    Opinel No 9 carbon – My go to Hiking knife

    There are a lot of options to choose from when looking for a Hiking knife. You can go lightweight and modern like the Kershaw or Spyderco knives. Or you can go the heavy way and pick up a big and tactical knife for hiking. But at the end of the day pretty on long distance hiking it comes down to weight and how wel it cuts your food like cheese and sausages. And of course the occasional string or packet. How long have I owned Opinel knives? When I was 6 I got my first pocket knives from my parents. This was a crappy Chinese made knife that was kind…

  • adventure-map-Camino
    Camino's,  Tech

    Best navigation apps to use – Camino Portugues

    When you are walking either the Coastal Camino Portugues or the inland one then it is very handy to have a navigation app on your phone. This helps in a great number of ways and is in my opinion hard to do without. The apps I list down below are great for finding your nearest Alberque, water, nearest point of interest and additional information you will need along the Camino Portugues. What Phone do you need? All you need is an Android Smartphone, get one with a decent camera and processor and your good to go. I did the Camino with my already bought Nokia 6.1. The pictures with good…

  • plaggenstekerspad1

    Hike the Netherlands – Plaggenstekerspad

    This is a short Hike in the Netherlands in the little village Hoenderloo. Hoenderloo is a popular vacation destination on the Veluwe in the province of Gelderland. The town grows every summer because of the many visitors to the vacation parks and National park the Hoge Veluwe. Which is connected to the town for easy access. The Plaggenstekerspad is a 12 KM hike around the town and the surrounding countryside. And can be enjoyed for a short hike. Like many popular hikes in the Netherlands this belongs to the Klompenpaden or clog paths. You can find all the Klompenpaden in the Netherlands on the following site. https://klompenpaden.nl I started the…

  • Heathfield hoenderloo

    What to bring on a day Hike?

    Day hiking is a fun activity for the weekend, just a day off or even an exciting first date. Hiking is good for many things an the question of what to bring on a day hike always comes to mind when starting out day hiking. It depends very much on the hike itself and in what terrain you will be hiking in but here is the baseline. Some food that’s already prepared or quick to assemble. I would not suggest taking a cookset with you. Unless you cant go without your cup of coffee or tea. Water, this is an important one. Take 1 full 1 liter bottle and backup…

  • Hiking in the netherlands

    Hiking in the Netherlands

    Hiking in the Netherlands is a very popular activity, every Sunday you will see a lot of folks in the woods and on the different trails in the Netherlands. It is an activity that is popular for young and old, you will encounter couples, people walking their dogs, people with kids and the hikers that are on the longer trails such as the PieterPad. The Health benefits of hiking are a common reason for Hiking in the Netherlands. And just enjoying nature in the Netherlands. If you live in the Netherlands or are on vacation here then you can set off in pretty much any area. Chances are you will…

  • hiking health statue

    Health benefits of Hiking

    Hiking is healthy for you, that wont come as a shock to you. But what is it good for exactly? Well in this blog post for Hike for Purpose we are going to find out. From your heart to your limbs, hiking has it’s advantages. When hiking your heart will get a workout, if you carry a load on your back and carry trekking poles the rest of your body will to. Hiking is a serious workout if you go on uneven terrain and load up your backpack. What is Hiking good for? And what exactly do you train? Lower your risk of heart disease Improve your blood pressure and…

  • Boot shot Santiago
    Gear reviews

    Meindl Sahara boots review

    Meindl is a boot manufacturer that is very popular in the EU, started in Germany in the 17th century it is an old company. They make boots for all sorts of tasks. From Military to casual shoes. I have always been a fan of Meindl boots and especially the Sahara model. These boots have carried me from America, England, Scotland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and last but not least the Netherlands. Read the review of the shoes on this page. Affiliate links may be mentioned in this article, by purchasing a product through those links I may receive a kickback. At no extra cost to you. Comfort The comfort of any…

  • Porto camino

    Camino Portugal Coastal

    The Camino that starts in Porto Portugal (Or Lisbon) and ends in Santiago is a popular route for people that do not have the month to spend on the Camino Frances. It is also a good starting point for people that want to do their first Camino. I walked the Camino Portuguese because it was my first time doing a Camino and I wanted to try it out. The hikes that I did before this where all backpacking trips with tent. So sleeping in a hostel or alberque every night was new for me and quite the luxury. If your thinking about doing a Camino I highly suggest this route.…

  • Hadrians wall bathhouse ruins

    Hadrian’s Wall Path

    The Hadrian’s Wall path is a hiking route that is based upon an old Roman wall that separated the Roman Empire from lands unconquered. Depending on which way you walk the path starts at Newcastle upon Tyne and ends in Bowness on Solway. On this hike, you can take a step in the same footsteps as a Roman all those years ago. And is as an armchair history geek one of my favorite hikes I did solo. In this blog post, I share my tips and views on the hike. Reasons for walking the Hadrian’s Wall Path Hadrian’s Wall Path is an 84-mile or 135-km walk that takes you across…