Gear reviews

  • fancy-feast-mark3-cover
    Gear reviews

    Fancy Feast stove | Mark 3

    Since several years now I have been a massive fan off the Fancy Feast / Fancee Feast stove system, with its ease of use and construction its the best alcohol stove for most users. Here is my latest experiment for trying to improve on the original tomato paste can design. I was looking to improve on the Fancy Feast tomato paste can design since it was prone to rust. And Aluminium is a bit easier to work with in my opinion. Here is my Mark 3 variant after a bunch of fidgeting with the same concept. Previous versions and ideas That first improved Fancy Feast design used another Aluminium can…

  • spyderco-tenacious-cover
    Gear reviews

    Spyderco Tenacious | Knife review

    The Spyderco Tenacious is a long standing budget favorite among knife enthusiasts and for years it has been the de facto first purchase for many Spyderco first-timers. It has everything that makes a Spyderco knife great, for a leaner budget than the regular lineup. Here is my review of the Spyderco Tenacious. Spyderco is a knife brand that offers a great selection of knives, their premium line or regular lineup is made in the USA, Japan, Italy, and Taiwan, which also comes with a price tag. For that reason, they have released a Byrd lineup that’s made in China, and a few models without the Byrd branding. The Spyderco Tenacious…

  • fancy-feast-experiment
    Gear reviews

    How long can a Fancy Feast stove cook?

    Ever since I built my first fancy feast, I have been wondering how long it can cook for or burn. In this post, I share my experiment with the absolute max fill-up off fuel 65 grams or milliliters of bio ethanol. My fancy feast stove has quickly become my go-to alcohol stove for its simplicity and reliability, it can bring water to the boil pretty quickly, it’s easy to light, and it’s easy to snuff out with the addition of another can. And, no pot stand. All the specifications for my particular fancy feast stove can be found in my post about it. For this experiment, I’m using a homemade…

  • tomshoo-750-cover
    Gear reviews

    Tomshoo 750ml pot | Review

    Many different brands produce the same kind of Titanium pot that many ultralight hikers use, this Tomshoo 750ml pot is a budget version that is an option for their cooking setup. Here is my review of the Tomshoo 750ml pot. Titanium The main advantage of all these types of pots is that they are made from Titanium, after many years of using mainly aluminum pots, Titanium is the clear winner when it comes to its lightness and sturdiness. Aluminum is also often coated or anodized which wears off over time, as seen with my cook pot kit of many years, the Esbit cook pot combination. Size and weight The size…

  • Spyderco-Persistence-cover
    Gear reviews

    Spyderco Persistence | Knife review

    Spyderco is a well-known brand in the knife world, and their knives are used by a lot of different people in a lot of different professions. The Spyderco Persistence is a lower-budget option in the Spyderco line. And can therefore be thrown about and abused without feeling too guilty. In this review, I share my use of the knife and experience. Knives are needed in a lot of different tasks, my primary use for the Spyderco Persistence is Everyday Carry, and I think it excels in that use case. Affiliate links may be mentioned in this article, by purchasing a product through those links I may receive a kickback. At…

  • alcohol-stove-tomshoo-fancy
    Gear reviews

    Why do we like Alcohol stoves

    Alcohol stoves speak to hikers, preppers, and other people because they are simple, fun to use, and can be made yourself with minimal tools. In this article I dive into all the plusses, and why they remain such a popular option. Alcohol stoves come in a bunch of different sizes and types, everyone has their own favorite design and uses for them. They can be broken down into a few different types which are: My personal favorite types are the wicking variety, with the homemade Fancy Feast stove at the top of that list. For more than a decade I have been using alcohol stoves in all shapes and sizes…

  • fancy-feast-cover
    Gear reviews

    Best fuel for alcohol stoves

    Alcohol stoves are a great way to cook food out on the trail, on the water, or as an emergency stove. Here are the best Alcohol fuels you can use and where to get them. Alcohol itself everybody is familiar with, you can not however just use any alcohol in an alcohol stove and expect them to work or function the most efficiently. You have several different options to choose from, and pretty much anywhere in the world you should be able to find them easily. Here is what to use and what to look out for to use for fuel in your alcohol stove. And remember, even if you…

  • fancy-feast-improved-cover
    Gear reviews

    Fancy Feast stove | Improved

    The Fancy Feast stove has quickly become my favorite alcohol stove, with its ease of construction, no priming, and no pot stand, it’s just a joy to use. In tinkering around and trying multiple different versions of the same idea. I have found an improvement to make it lighter and more rust-resistant. Read on for the result! Quick jump guide What my concern was with the original Fancy Feast stove using a tomato paste can, was the rust that builds up after prolonged use. Since it’s just steel typical of canned food, it will show signs of rust at some point. Due to being exposed to the heat from the…

  • gas-cartridge-stoves-cover
    Gear reviews,  History

    Prick cartridge Gas stoves

    There are lots of stoves that would look strange in a hiker’s backpack in current times, an old-school prick cartridge gas burner is one of them. Let’s look back on the popularity of these burners, and why they have been replaced in the modern-day backpack from virtually any hiker. Especially in Europe, these prick cartridge stoves from the brand Campingaz or Campinggaz have been immensely popular from the 70s until the early 2000s. Their design makes them easier to use than many other white gas stoves, and more accessible to the general camper. They came in a variety of sizes and outputs. And had a few different gas cartridges. The…

  • fancy-feast-cook-kit-cover
    Gear reviews

    Fancy Feast Cook kit

    Since discovering the Fancy Feast alcohol stove I have become a big fan, this is the first alcohol stove I tried that ticks all the boxes that I prefer in a backpacking stove in general. Let’s discuss my cook kit setup that includes everything I need and like when cooking outdoors. The Fancy Feast alcohol stove is like any alcohol stove not the best fit for longer-distance hiking for most hikers, because of the fuel needed to reach the same capabilities as a gas canister stove like the MSR Pocket Rocket 2. It is however still an option that many more experienced hikers take because of the wide range of…