Cost of Hiking gear
Hiking gear can get very expensive, very quickly, and the choices that face you oftentimes comes down to lighter = more expensive. In this article I break down the price of common gear items, and if it always makes sense to invest in the most expensive option. The cost of hiking gear usually comes down to weight and performance versus price. The lightest options are most of the time the most expensive. And the cheaper gear is heavier. As for anything regarding hiking, there are of course exceptions to the rule. Some plastic sheeting that you pick up and cut from a hardware store into a tarp will be one…
When to replace hiking boots
If you are going to be hiking long distances for longer periods, its important to know when to replace your hiking boots or shoes. Here is what you need to know about how and when to replace your hiking boots. Condition they are in The current condition is the first thing to be considered and looked at when thinking about replacing your hiking boots. Give them a hard look and see what spots are wearing faster than others. Good examples of this are cuts, tears, gashes from sharp rocks or spots on the soles that have worn out. When you lose grip from the soles from hiking boots then it…
Thru-hiking in Europe
Thru-hiking is possible in Europe with a few considerations, since wild camping is outlawed in most of Europe the traditional American way can be difficult to achieve. However, it is not impossible in certain areas. Thru-hiking in Europe is therefore in most cases more expensive than in the United States, and requires more planning ahead. Let’s cover all the tips in this blog post and some examples of trails you can start Thru-hiking in Europe. What is Thru hiking? Thru hiking means in my interpretation completing a hike without hiking sections of it or splitting it up into multiple parts. You start and you finish, without interruptions. It is an…
Prick cartridge Gas stoves
There are lots of stoves that would look strange in a hiker’s backpack in current times, an old-school prick cartridge gas burner is one of them. Let’s look back on the popularity of these burners, and why they have been replaced in the modern-day backpack from virtually any hiker. Especially in Europe, these prick cartridge stoves from the brand Campingaz or Campinggaz have been immensely popular from the 70s until the early 2000s. Their design makes them easier to use than many other white gas stoves, and more accessible to the general camper. They came in a variety of sizes and outputs. And had a few different gas cartridges. The…
Keeping Your Electronics Charged
How to keep your Electronics Charged while Camping and Hiking is often a question that hikers and campers have when starting out. With these helpful tips and tricks learned after many years of hiking camping and traveling, you can skip the beginner phase. Hiking without your phone is not an option for many hikers, your phone makes sure you can take photos and videos of your journey. Is your navigation tool and can make sure that you can contact help when needed. Even out in the backcountry, you can sometimes get a signal in the mountains. And when not enough for a phone call, a text can get through in…
Removing the Safety on BIC lighters
BIC lighters are a great reliable way of making fire on hiking trips. In particular, the BIC mini is the choice for many backpackers out there. Here is how you make them easier to use with Gloves, cold hands, or in general. By removing the safety on the sparker. This is a project that only requires one tool, a Victorinox Classic, or to be specific, the screwdriver that comes with it. Since it is a nice slender shape the screwdriver fits perfectly underneath the BIC lighter. And can be used to get rid of the safety really easily. So grab your BIC and Victorinox Classic and follow along with the…
Are hiking boots necessary?
Hiking boots are the traditional footwear for any hiker, with time they themselves have evolved and there are more alternatives then ever. Lets cover them. Doesn’t matter where you go shopping for hiking boots, be it on an online store or in a traditional hiking / outdoor store. The first thing that greets you when you walk into their footwear department is the long wall of different hiking shoes and boots. In this article I hope to shed some light on the different choices that await you. And how you can make the choice for your hiking footwear. Quick jump guide What kind of hiker are you? What trails will…
8 Reasons to start long distance Hiking
Hiking is a wonderful sport and activity that can teach you a lot about yourself. Everybody can do it and start in any location. Here are my eight reasons to start long distance hiking. All hikers have different reasons to start hiking, but it all boils down to a few key reasons. When walking a Camino to Santiago de Compostella you will be sometimes asked what your reason is for walking the way. In the beginning I didn’t really have a reason. But the more I got asked the question along the way the reasons became more clear to me. And I hope for you they will to. Peace and…
The History of Hiking
Hiking is deeply intertwined in the history of humanity, from a way to get around to gather food. A way to march to battle, and finally for fun. Explore the History of hiking. Taking everything you need on your back and walking a long distance through pretty terrain. That is pretty much what hiking is for a lot of people. You can differentiate between a lot of different forms of hiking, from simple day hikes with family members or friends. Long distance thru hiking, and multi day backpacking trips. Encountering History while hiking As a history lover that is an avid watcher of history channels on YouTube and history book…
Different ways to carry water when Hiking
Carrying and drinking water is an absolute necessity when hiking long distances. Without it and it not only uncomfortable but outright dangerous. In this article I’m going to cover the different ways of carrying water with you out on trail. Carrying water while out and about has been a cause of concern as old as history itself. Many different ways where thought of during the ages and many of them remain exactly the same in essence. Find a waterproof container and carry it with you. The waterproof container could be a gourd hollowed out, a bladder or skin. Or a metal canteen. Today we see the same water bladders made…