How to find hiking trails near you
Of course depending on where you are but you can find hiking trails all over the place. Lets dive in what I always use to find hiking trails near me in the Netherlands and beyond.
When starting out hiking you go to the trails that are familiar. The ones that your grandparents and parents started out with, or the ones that you like to walk. But after walking a same route a couple of times you start looking for other trails near and close.
The Klompenpaden
Where I live in the Netherlands there is a abundance of hiking trails around me on the Veluwe. It just takes a short walk to head to the forest and explore all the different trails near me.
In the Netherlands you have a bunch of hiking trails that are in a loop. So you can park your car in a parking zone off the trail head and loop back to it. This makes it easy to head out. These are mostly mapped out at the parking zones and the klompenpaden association.
NS hiking trails (Dutch railway hiking)
There are also a lot of NS hiking trails. Here you walk from station to station and always have a way back home again. These are all over the Netherlands and are from the Dutch railway system.
I have done a few of these and they are great fun. Mainly because I like the hiking trails where you are not just walking in a loop back to your car. With these trails you always have a sense of purpose while hiking. Something that I like while hiking, even if it is only for a day hike. Hence the domain name for my site 🙂
Use your phone with these apps
It will come as no surprise that you can use your phone to get access to a lot of information. Some of the apps I always use to get access to brand new trails that I did not think about before are:

AllTrails is available for free on the Google Play store and you can use it to find a lot of new trails around you. You can also log the trails in your progress and use it to keep track off all the trails that you walk.
Reach out to local places
In a lot of different bed and breakfasts around the world and hostels / hotels you can always find a bunch of flyers laying around. These flyers are bound to have some hiking trails and walks in the area on them.
Whenever I come across a bunch of flyers on a wall I always take a look for some hiking trails that I can do. That is also how I got my Hadrians Wall path map from in the Hostel in Newcastle. Now used beyond repair.
Well hope you got some idea’s from this blog post. And as always if you have any questions post them below!