Camino's,  Tech

Is there WiFi on the Camino de Santiago?

WiFi or internet access is available in most cases on the Camino de Santiago but can vary from Albergue to Albergue. In this article, I discuss what you can do to get your internet fix while underway.

WiFi in Albergues

In the hostels or Albergues you’re gonna be staying at while walking the Camino de Santiago most are gonna have a WiFi connection available, especially the privately owned ones that cost a few euros more a night.

It’s usually not gonna be the best internet connection you’ve ever had, but it can provide a basic connection to download a few maps, songs, movies, or TV shows whenever you feel the urge to crawl early into your sleeping bag and shut off for a bit. These WiFi connections usually require a password and can be had by asking the staff, or there is a sign with a QR code or password on there.


WiFi in bars, restaurants, and cafés

In most restaurants, bars, and cafés is also WiFi available. Simply look around for a note inside, or order something and ask. This method I did not use so much, since I also wanted to get the kilometers done for the day, and working or spending a long time on the internet in between all the hiking never sat quite right with me. You do you of course.

Prepaid SIM cards or existing EU SIM

If you are going to have to do some work while underway like I did on the Camino Frances I would recommend to either get a Prepaid SIM card with some data on there. Or if you’re from Europe, you can easily and without worry use your existing mobile phone data. Double-check if that is also the case with your mobile carrier.

In my case, the Dutch Vodafone network that I had would let me use up to 50 GB of data a month. Which was more than plenty for me to do the work that I had to. Which consisted of connecting to Remote Desktop in Utrecht, and working with text in the form of blog posts on my small laptop.

Pilgrims from outside the EU can best score a local Prepaid SIM card from carriers or in Supermarkets, where you can get online for a flat fee for a month. Which should be enough for most Caminos. You can always buy another one if you don’t quite make it in a month.

eSim cards

eSims are also available nowadays on most Phone models which lets you access the internet without the job of swapping SIM cards or to try and pick one up locally. With for example you can get online in minutes and use it without any hassle. This is an affiliate link, where at no extra cost you can support the site!

Even working on a laptop or tablet can be easy that way, simply make a hotspot with your phone and connect to your own WiFi network that way. This can be a lifesaver when the WiFi is nonexistent or not workable.

Happy Hiking and Hike for Purpose!

Buen Camino

I'm Frank, the main guy and owner of this website. Loves hiking, gear and bushcraft. And can get quite nerdy about them. In the woods several times a week preparing for my next hike. Always searching for another hill, which is quite difficult in the Netherlands. That's why I search around several countries. More about me on the about page.

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