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Opinel carbon vs Inox

Opinel knives are a staple in the hiking and outdoor community. For their wickedly sharp edge and a lot more. But how to choose between the two steel types?

That is what we are going to explore in this article, for reference points I have my Opinel number 9 in carbon and the Opinel number 8 in Inox steel. Both I have used extensively and had great experiences with. However, there are a few key advantages and disadvantages to either.

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If you want to know more about the Opinel blade shape and history I would suggest looking up my earlier review of the Opinel number 9 Carbon for that. In this article, I mainly want to focus on the differences between the two steel types.

The main differences between the two steel types in Opinel

The main differences between the two steel types are perhaps obvious, however, let’s put them underneath each other for better comparison.

Will rustRust proof
Easier to sharpenHarder to sharpen
Loses edge quickerKeeps sharp for longer
Can take a beatingMore brittle
Edge will rollEdge will chip easier
XC90 steel 12c27 Sandvik steel
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Now what do I mean by these statements?

Carbon steel and rustproof(resistant) steel each have different properties. The above table is the general consensus on Carbon and Inox steel. I have found the same properties true for the Opinel knives.

There are however higher-end steel types on more expensive knives that handle this a bit differently. Since Opinel knives are generally more affordable they are in the lower spectrum of steel types.

The different versions of Opinel knives really bite into the material that you are cutting, thanks to their blade shape and grind they are able to make very deep cuts into wood and other materials. That is why they are a favorite too for woodcarvers and traveling chefs.

So what are some of the use cases for one steel over the other when it comes to picking out a hiking knife?

The case for Opinel Carbon knives

Opinel Carbon knives are the original knives made popular by French farmers and people that had jobs where a knife was required. This has since evolved into collectors and artists, hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, or anybody who has to open a box or cut a string in day-to-day life. Or simply to have some lunch in the field.

Opinel no 9 knife on stone

Carbon steel has the great property of being very resistant to abuse and wear and tear and providing a wicked sharp edge with minimal sharpening. The major downside for many people is that they rust and develop a Patina. read more about it in my other article on the Patina on Opinel knives. For other people, this is not such a problem as they apply a bit of oil now and again to combat that fact and wipe off the blade after use.

I have had the most experience with Opinel knives in carbon and I am a big fan of them for many reasons. Partly that they are great affordable knives with heritage and pedigree and come in a variety of different sizes for every user.

So if you are looking for a first knife for hiking, do not live in a wet and humid climate. And are looking for a great lightweight beater knife. An Opinel in carbon is the knife for you.

The case for Opinel Inox knives

Opinel Inox or stainless steel knives are great for hikers who are planning to walk in humid or wet conditions. Stainless steel knives require less maintenance and care than Carbon versions. So if you want to have a great knife for little investment an Opinel Inox knife is a great choice.

Opinel No 8 in Inox steel. Full review in this link.

Stainless steel knives are however more brittle than carbon steel knives. Because the steel is harder and therefore more prone to chipping. So if you would strike a nail for example you get a chip in your edge instead of a roll.

The sharpening of stainless steel knives can be a little bit more difficult than carbon steel for the same reason. Because the steel is harder sharpening takes a little bit longer than carbon steel. It does come with the great advantage of being more rust-resistant.

Which steel is better for hiking?

There is really no better steel between these two knives. there are simply better choices for different environments. If you’re going to be backpacking in wetter climates stainless steel knife is a solid option. And if you’re looking for a knife that can handle nearly everything a carbon steel knife is a good option.

My personal preference is the carbon steel Opinel knives for their better sharpening and the ability to handle a lot of abuse. You can’t go wrong with either one of them though. For the price they are unbeatable.

What models does Opinel have in their knife lineup?

Opinel features an extensive lineup of knives and has one for every hand size. Their knives are numbered according to their length. So that you can scale them up for bigger jobs and scale them down for more compactness.

Their locking system is very strong and reliable. And most of all very simple. I would recommend the Opinel number 8 in either Carbon or Inox for your everyday hiking needs. You can go larger or smaller depending on your hand size.

They also offer a more slender version of their blade shape that is more focused on other tasks, so take a look at the different models and see what strikes your fancy the most.

I'm Frank, the main guy and owner of this website. Loves hiking, gear and bushcraft. And can get quite nerdy about them. In the woods several times a week preparing for my next hike. Always searching for another hill, which is quite difficult in the Netherlands. That's why I search around several countries. More about me on the about page.


  • alex

    Also it should be mentioned very lightweight whiling being safe compared to nearly all other camping knives.
    Very important for cycle and hiker campers who want to carry the least amount of kg’s!

  • Mike Eks

    If you plan to cut food with your knife, then a stainless steel blade is recommended.
    In general, stainless steel will be much easier to care for in a humid environment, like a sweaty pocket, or when working with wet products, like food.

  • sebastian

    i’m a sailor and i was thinking to buy an opinel 9 mainly to cut ropes. i didn’t know there are two kind of blades.

    i’ll definitely buy the inox one.

    • Frank

      As a sailor you should go for the inox option yeah. Opinels bite through rope unlike other knives. The blade shape is perfect for that purpose. Just keep a leather strop or your belt handy.

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