Trail Meal | Cheesy Couscous
Couscous is a staple in many hikers diet, in this recipe I share how to keep it interesting with some shelf stable cream cheese. Couscous is incredible easy to cook, lightweight, and space efficient. It also cooks fast or soaks fast when your into cold soaking. I always prefer to eat hot, but feel free to try out the recipe for cold soaking. Try out a few different couscous brands that are available to you to find out which one you like best. Couscous made from Durum wheat I like best, since it offers a bit more flavor than many other kinds. This recipe uses pantry items, and does not…
Trail Meal | Hutspot
Hutspot is a Dutch stamppot that’s quite easy to adapt into backpacking. Here is my way of doing it to make sure I don’t have to go without on backpacking trips. Dutch food is looked down on by many different cultures, and often also by Dutch people themselves (myself excluded). Simple, filling, and easy to prepare is a theme throughout many Dutch recipes. And that is the same for a lot of food you have out on hikes. The classic ingredients of Hutspot are Carrots, Onions, and Potatoes (before the Colombian exchange Parsnips). To adapt it into a Trail Meal that takes minutes to prepare, is lightweight, and keeps for…
VGN Hike Through the Schwarzachklamm Tour 066
VGN or the local train services in Bayern (Bavaria), Germany, have made hikes that you can take throughout the province. Recently I did this hike and was presently surprised by it. Here is my hike report. Length: 10.7 kilometers Time: 2 hours 23 minutes, so take ~ 3 hours in account when grabbing food or drink. Difficulty: EasyMy rating: 3.5 out of 5 Access to the trail head is incredible easy and cheap, due to it being a local train network hike. With the Deutschlandticket, these hikes make for a cheap days entertainment. If you are in Nuremberg or the area around, it takes you around 20 minutes to get…
Trail Meal | Curry Couscous
Couscous is a great candidate for a starch within Trail Meals, in this recipe I try to make it a bit more interesting by taking inspiration from the “Kip Kerrie” dish I grew up eating. With some calorie boosters to make it more filling. Kip Kerrie/ Chicken Curry, is a rice dish from around the world, and where I come from, the Netherlands, its also quite popular, mostly as a “salad” with a ton of Mayo to put on a cracker. I try to recreate it and make it lighter and suitable for the backpacking meals we get to eat. Spicy, savory, and creamy is the goal. And I think…
Fancy Feast stove | Mark 3
Since several years now I have been a massive fan off the Fancy Feast / Fancee Feast stove system, with its ease of use and construction its the best alcohol stove for most users. Here is my latest experiment for trying to improve on the original tomato paste can design. I was looking to improve on the Fancy Feast tomato paste can design since it was prone to rust. And Aluminium is a bit easier to work with in my opinion. Here is my Mark 3 variant after a bunch of fidgeting with the same concept. Previous versions and ideas That first improved Fancy Feast design used another Aluminium can…
Cost of Hiking gear
Hiking gear can get very expensive, very quickly, and the choices that face you oftentimes comes down to lighter = more expensive. In this article I break down the price of common gear items, and if it always makes sense to invest in the most expensive option. The cost of hiking gear usually comes down to weight and performance versus price. The lightest options are most of the time the most expensive. And the cheaper gear is heavier. As for anything regarding hiking, there are of course exceptions to the rule. Some plastic sheeting that you pick up and cut from a hardware store into a tarp will be one…
When to replace hiking boots
If you are going to be hiking long distances for longer periods, its important to know when to replace your hiking boots or shoes. Here is what you need to know about how and when to replace your hiking boots. Condition they are in The current condition is the first thing to be considered and looked at when thinking about replacing your hiking boots. Give them a hard look and see what spots are wearing faster than others. Good examples of this are cuts, tears, gashes from sharp rocks or spots on the soles that have worn out. When you lose grip from the soles from hiking boots then it…
Trail Meal | BiFi Stroganoff
Trail Meals should be easy to throw together, lightweight, and throw in a pot style cooking. With this BiFi Stroganoff I checked all these boxes! I recently ordered a big bag of milk powder to try out for a bunch of different recipes that I have planned, for example my recent Trail Meal for basic Oatmeal. And I really liked the creaminess and flavor it brought. For savory recipes I am more interested in playing around with it however. So that’s why i figured out a BiFi (instead of Beef) Stroganoff recipe that I hope you give a try for your next backpacking trip. Ingredient list Preparation at home All…
How do I carry and store food on the Camino?
Carrying (some) food on the Camino de Santiago gives you a bit more options, and makes it so that you are not completely depended on restaurants. Lets go over my tips for bringing food with you, and what food to take. All along the Camino Frances you will a tough time trying to starve, there are plenty of local restaurants, food trucks, bars, cafés, bakeries, and vending machines all over the place to get yourself a nice meal for usually fair prices. Locals know that the pilgrims are hungry and looking for a nice cup of tea or coffee with something salty, sweet, or fruity. Carrying cash is handy btw…
Trail Meal | Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a staple for many people in daily life and has an equal home out on a hike. Here is a foundational recipe that you can use and make your own! Oats are popular for a reason, they will sit in your stomach for a good while and fill you right up. It forms the foundation of many hikers’ breakfast, and if you have the time in the morning to whip out your stove. Or cold-soak them the night before. It can be a great way to start your day. If available you can add dried or fresh fruit, chocolate chips, honey, nuts, or anything you like really. For…