The story of my The North Face Horizon cap
A hat or cap is a necessity in my opinion while hiking. It keeps the sun of your head and out of your eyes. It covers your bad hair while hiking so you can look semi decent, and its something I can get attached to more than any other piece of clothing.
This blog post is a love story at first sight and I know its a silly topic, but I will give you the reasons why I love this cap so much. So bear with me.
My The North Face Horizon hat I got when I first started working in a popular outdoor store in the Netherlands. I was 15 when I started working there and was very into the YouTube channel Nutnfancy. If you heard of him and watched a few videos of his then you know that he sports that hat a bunch. So as the wee little boy that I was I wanted that hat as well.
That started my story of the hat for me and now 10 years later I am still wearing that hat on every hike that I do and I get nervous when its out of my sight.
Game of capture the hat
When me and my friend went on our first vacation together we went to Scotland in his first car. A beat up old Ford Fiesta that we drove all the way to Scotland and back to the Netherlands. In Scotland we proceeded to camp and walk different trails all around.
My friend forgot to bring a hat and so the game of who wares the cap started. Every time I took it off he grabbed it and put it on. This has become a running gag between us and we always fight over the North Face horizon cap.

A hat baptized in Ice and Blood
From Scotland we went to Sweden twice, after that I went to England for the Hadrian’s Wall path hike, America for a small section hike of the Appalachian trail and lastly Portugal and Spain for the Camino to Santiago.
This hat has been with me every step of the way and when I look back at the pictures over the years on my hikes there is a 99% chance that I am wearing that hat. Every time I put on the hat I remember a lot of good days.
When camping in the Netherlands in -10 degrees Celsius it completely froze solid, when hiking and missing a tree branch it was soaked in blood. Thanks to the material that hardly mattered to my trustee cap. Its easy to clean and like Boba Fett’s armor, it only gets more character as it ages.
Features of the The North Face Horizon cap
The North Face brand is very popular all over the world, so this hat is also a bit of an icon. Most outdoor stores carry this hat and you should not encounter that many problems acquiring one. The features are great for a hat.
UV protection
This is a important feature of course when out in the Sun all day, the 70D ribstop nylon has a UV protection of factor 50. But make sure to lather up your ears and neck of course when wearing a baseball style hat. There are always prices to pay when trying to look stylish(sort off).
Material is a 100% ribstop nylon and you have a sweatband along the side of your head. This makes sure you don’t feel to uncomfortably hot in this hat.
The hat for me
So I am in favor of this hat, you know there are many others like it but this one is mine. When thinking of buying a new hat I would definitely give this one a chance. Let me know what items in your gear you get strangely attached to!

One Comment
Petra van Beusekom
I prefer a sun visor; wind through my hair and a cooler head. I have a cheap old brown one that’s been with me for at least 10 years, bought in a department store that’s long gone … Love your site, by the way! It combines a lot of information with an engaging style of writing. Keep up the good work!