When to replace hiking boots
If you are going to be hiking long distances for longer periods, its important to know when to replace your hiking boots or shoes. Here is what you need to know about how and when to replace your hiking boots.
Condition they are in
The current condition is the first thing to be considered and looked at when thinking about replacing your hiking boots. Give them a hard look and see what spots are wearing faster than others. Good examples of this are cuts, tears, gashes from sharp rocks or spots on the soles that have worn out.
When you lose grip from the soles from hiking boots then it is often time to replace them. Before bigger hikes like a Camino or one of the long-distance hiking trails in Europe or America then it is wise to replace your hiking boots before taking that first step on the trail.

Insoles are one of the first things to often wear out and can be replaced easily. The insoles that I always like to use are the Superfeet blue ones for my lighter hiking boots. Those are excellent and give you more comfort and support than the ones from the factory which are often really simple in design and function.
Insoles should be replaced around every 200 kilometers or so. Or when you feel that the support is waning. For little investment, you can really up the comfort of your hiking shoes.
In- and outside of the shoe
The inside of the shoe can wear down pretty fast. Keep an eye on the stress points on the inside of the shoe by looking at the heel, and the sides of the shoe on the height of your toes. These two areas are often the culprit when hiking day in and day out. A good fit helps most off all in this case, and proper hiking socks.
Sole wear and tear
Step after step your outside sole will wear down. Especially for shoes that are worn on asphalt or modern road surfaces. Forest trails and hiking trails are usually a little less wearing on your hiking shoes soles. When you notice that grip is fading on slippery terrain or that you can feel the surface through your sole. Then it is getting time to replace your hiking boots.

How do you know when to replace hiking boots?
When cracks start to appear in the leather or material of the outside of the shoe.

The hiking shoes most often have to be replaced or repaired.
These sort of tears have a way of spreading out. And eventually causes the shoe to fall apart.
How to store Hiking boots
Storing hiking boots for a long time is not recommend, and occasionally wearing them will actually help with making them last. This has to do with the rubber used in the soles, that have to be stressed occasionally. Or they will dry out and cause issues. To store hiking boots it is not recommended to store them in a hot and humid Environment. And to look for a spot where the temperature stays pretty much the same.
Crumbling soles on hiking boots
Crumbling of a hiking boot sole or any shoe for that matter, occurs when the rubber and glue holding it all together fails. This can most often occur when shoes are stored for a long time in between use.
When not stressed and used regularly this can result in the whole bottom of the sole falling out from under you. Or they can disintegrate when walking those first few kilometers. Therefore it is important to regularly use your hiking boots and shoes to prevent this from happening.
How long should hiking boots last?
Hiking boots can last a long time if you keep up with maintenance and use the right products. Using improper cleaning methods can result in the waterproof layer to clog up completely. Or the leather to dry out and become brittle. When purchasing Hiking boots, look out for Vibram soles, which can often be replaced by a qualified shoe smith, and ask advice from you dealer.

Pictured: Meindl Sahara’s after the Hadrians wall path.
Brands in Europe that I have personally had good experience with are Lowa, Meindl, Scarpa, and Hanwag. These German and Italian shoe brands make shoes that last. And can last you many years before needing replacing.
How long do trail runners last?
Trail runners have become increasingly popular the last years in the Thru / Ultralight hiking community, and I also become a enthousiast with the Salomon Speedcross series. In my opinion it is important to combine these with hiking sticks for extra support and stability during longer hikes.

With 500 kilometers trailrunners are often at the end off their lifespan. And need to be replaced. I nursed my first pair of Salomon Speedcross the length of Spain with the Camino Frances. But they where in a sorry state when I arrived in Santiago de Compostella.
As with many things, use common sense when deciding if your should replace your boots or trailrunners before you start on a bigger hike. When in doubt, take them to a specialist in your area. And get personal advice from an expert.
I like to replace and test out different hiking boots often, since I can write about them, I tend to mix and switch up my boots pretty often because of this. And usually there’s a new pair off trailrunners in my closet every season.
How long did you make your boots last? Share it with everybody down below in the comments!
Happy hiking and Hike for Purpose!